Friday 6 July 2012

Is it still raining there in (Melbourne/Copenhagen)?

Ny Haven
Last night we met a man who wanted to know if we had located a bodega nearby. A bodega, not only the name of a superior yet inexpensive wine - I still have a bottle I believe purchased New Years Eve 1995 - is a place where young Copenhageners hang out til the wee small hours, imbibing various beverages. We had not seen an immediate bodega, but this did not dampen his enthusiasm for passing on a little local knowledge about weather and how to predict it. 'You know how it has been sticky today,' he said. 'Well, it will rain all day tomorrow.' So far he is correct. Rain. Rain. Rain. Down it falls. The summer gardens in abundant bloom will be happy today.Copenhagen is a pretty, peaceful, quiet city of 500,000 souls. Cost of living is high. There's lots of shops and cafes as well as more bikes than I have seen in a lifetime. So far I've clocked up almost 20 km of training rides, so feeling on top of my game. We are considering renaming the tour "The Old Crocks Tour" as stories true and terrible abound regarding our collective well-being. Miss Pigott has broken ribs and whooping cough, fortunately now abated. Bob is on a recumbent due to a pinched nerve. Sally is spluttering. Garis is past spluttering. John has a bit of asthma. Maureen and I share the broken wrists. It's been too wet, windy, cold (insert other weather words) everywhere regardless of the hemisphere - and so on and so forth.Jobs day today. Equipment, van cleaning, laundromating. You know the routine. Let me leave you with a note I spied in the History Museum a couple of days ago. It was pinned to a board headed "Why I came to Copenhagen".L

History Museum note

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