Wednesday, 9 May 2012

A new adventure starts

July 1 I fly out of cold drizzly Melbourne for a brand new 'wheels on fire' adventure, this time from Copenhagen to Barcelona.

Of course I'm really going to miss work - yeah...and I'm not - he's coming too! Not as a rider but as a driver for our support van and chef de jour.

I'll miss the family...yeah, but some of them are joining me in Barcelona.

The garden? Well, it will be winter and growth is slow.

But the dogs. I WILL miss the dogs.

Joining me are tried and true spoke comrades from previous 'wheels' adventures: Stewart, Dan aka Herr Doktor Flappenschirten, Ralph, Kendy, Miss Pigott, Maureen, Sally, Nelson, John, Liz, Bob, Gloria, Karen, Linda and Garis. What a team!

This is the COBERAMBA ride - get it? COpenhagen, BERlin, AMsterdam, BArcelona.

We've got 49 days to ride through 8 countries. We'll catch a ferry and several trains, stay in hotels and pitch our tents as we go.

I am so pleased I worked out that riding a bike is the way to go. So do you want to come along for the ride?